Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Today was cleaning day, I cleaned this basement suite top to bottom for three hours and even got around to bleach the tiles in the shower. I'm pretty proud of myself,  in spite of the dirty dishes that by the sink sit mocking me. I felt pretty good, then I felt really tired, then I collapsed and napped for two hours. Woke to a head ache and still sleepy with so much studying to do. The dumb thing is I got enough sleep and still wake tired thanks to you my dear thyroid. Yet luckily I put in applesauce pork chops in the crock pot before my nap so they are slowly taking over the smell of cleaner in here. Speaking of cleaner I got a sore stinging throat after breathing in cleaner for three hours...really too bad but the price to get this place spotless - worth it. I love having some amount of order in my life.

Monday I went to see my doctor and after 14 viles of blood for tests and other samples, they still have no idea whats wrong with me. So as my pain worsens I worry. The Doc started me on cymbolta and took me off of ciprelex and the first three days were good but today I feel sore and achy again. The blood tests show that I'm still anemic, have fatty liver from taking so many medications, thyroids a little low, vitamin D is low, and everything else is fine except for my mind that worries. I need to worry less and trust God more.

Perhaps its not the new drugs fault I'm exhausted, I may have gotten to excited to be in less pain and did simply too much. It was my birthday on the 7th and I am now 22 and honestly it doesn't feel any different then 21 lol and apparently the lady that asked my age the other day doesn't think I look it, she said I look 16 that was just a plain sad moment. Yet, optimistically she was wearing glasses and was older so maybe it was her eyes deceiving her :). 

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