Saturday, August 24, 2013

Doctor, Doctor

Today was eventful, I went to the Doctor waited a 1/2 past my appointment at 11 just to get in. It's amazing how we push ourselves to get places on time, and how it seems quite the opposite for doctors. Any who, I went with a list of symptoms and questions in hand and he addressed each of them. He seemed really genuinely sad that he can't figure me out. I feel bad that he feels bad. Yet, we will try these new pain pills on top of the old ones, I really hope they help, the pharmacist explained that they had a side effect of giving some patients strange dreams. I think if the pot heads found that out they might start taking it too lol. O well, next I went for a stream of blood tests at the Vampires Anonymous Clinic (biomedical towers) and let me tell you that was an eventful trip! As I get out of the car I here a man yelling in his house across the street, followed by two loud shot-like noises. A few ladies in the parking lot called the cops and I went up to the clinic and watched at the clinic window as I waited for the nurse to call me. The cops got there, went in, the man came out and went back in and the cops left. I wonder what happened. After I come out from getting poked, my husband tells me that a poor elderly man just hit an SUV with his car...what a lively neighbourhood. As I return to my cozy nest, and take this new pill, which is known to treat neuropathic pain, I don't feel different I just feel sore and tired. Okay, Textbooks I hear you calling my name and I know I owe you some quality time :).


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