The car slips out of control, I'm helplessly braking, yet it just keeps slipping. I'm helplessly praying, but it hits again, SMACK. I didn't mean to hit you, it's not like I planned this. Teachers are frustrated cause I'm missing classes, after time friends fade away, sorry, after sorry. My husbands frustrated that I'm sick and he can't fix it, he has to fix dinner, do dishes, and after working late again. I wish I could stop this slipping out and crashing it's madness. But all I can do is watch as the world around me as it spins madly on. The fractures are even more evident when I crawl out this wreckage, and stumble into my classes. Peers I wish I made friends with, stare with questioning looks, and it's because they don't know me. How could they, I'm hardly recognizable after all the crashes, of not coming to classes. For few days, if I'm lucky, but normally only hours of a day the body hold out long enough, I feel awake, and alive. And I use them to push harder than ever to fix what is bent and broken, on all the other ones I've damaged. I work late into the night through the pain, to the write papers, to prove that I not just a reckless drunk driver but a victim in bad weather. I persist through this madness writing essays from bed, to get a good grade and mend a relationship. Hoping to paint some respect over the scratches. As my work starts to pay off, and the world around me has a few less dents and fenders hanging bruised from earlier crashes, I desperately fight not to slip again, hoping as I might the I'd have some control this time around. I wish and wish and wish and pray and pray and pray, that I can fight this, that I can do better this time around. After being in so many crashes, I don't remember what my health looked like when it was better. I don't remember much through the smoke, and gases, all I see is blackness. If I did I think I'd see images, when I flash back to a time before this, I see friends with out fractures, and dreams of greatness, but, then I am quickly snapped back as I slip.
Slipping, slipping, sliding. I'm out of control. my mind watches feeling more guilt with every dent and fracture. From in here, in my mind I see the smashed glass, the broken metal, and the disappointed faces. My foot hitting the brake pedal over, and over, and over again, I see in my passenger seat a man, and he's grabbing tight to my hand. You see there's something that is always the same in all these crash, he's always clutching my hand saying it'll be okay, we'll get through this madness.
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