Tuesday, June 24, 2014

First Christmas Delivery

A couple of days ago, we went to visit our friend in a care facility.  He suffered two strokes earlier in the year, that have left him immobile and unable to talk, although his mind is still quite clear.  We picked up his wife, who has a cancer and is in between treatments.  This was an opportunity to visit both of them at the same time.

As my Sis-in-law says, we do what quilter do – make quilts.  We wanted them to have something useful, that would remind them we’re always thinking of them even when we can’t visit often.

His quilt:


Quilted simply with diagonal lines both ways.

Her quilt:


Quilted with feathers in the borders (only my second attempt, but looks not too bad) and meander through the center.

When I had them all folded and ready to package up, Tobin thought she should try to lay claim:


I hope these bring them some comfort through all the stresses of dealing with the changes in their lives, and the treatments ahead

Both quilts are stash-busters for the most part.  The red-and-cream was built following Linda’s Quiltmania stash-buster blocks.

And this is the end of quilts for 2013.  Lots in mind for 2014, including a couple of kids’ quilts and a baby quilt and a new one for our trailer, and maybe an applique scene quilt that I’ve had in mind for a number of years.  In the meantime, there’s some knitting to do and diapers to sew for church missions – and then we plan to be away from home over the Christmas holiday.

Happy days.                 Blessings, Peg

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