Saturday, April 19, 2014

Helping Hands

It's along way from yestarday to where I am today, Its along way from my thoughts to what I'm willing to say, All thats in my head is in your hands Lord and I'm so glad your with me. Today I'm just hoping my parachute will open cause I'm free falling in this immence pain. and I'm thinking of what helps suffering people the most. The discouraging aspect is that there is no magic cure, no amount of rationale that will make it better. no one can package the appropriate responses to suffering. But what helps is supporting individuals through their suffering as they largely feel very isolated and alone, try mailing a care package full of comforting things, surprise them with a coffee or visit. As Jean Vanier said so well, "wounded people who have been broken by suffering and sickness ask for only one thing: a heart that loves and commits itself to them, a heart full of hope for them." when asking how do i help those who hurt look up 1 cor. 13 it will teach you how to best treat suffering.

Book that help to read:
Where is God when it hurts - philip yancey
Disapointment with God - philip yancey
All our losses All our Griefs - Kenneth R. Mitchell

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